How You Can Make Money Online Without A Website
In the past, those who wanted to make money online needed a website, marketing know-how and goods or products to sell. There is a new wave of making money on the web simply by selling not what you have, but what you know.
You don’t have to be a genius in marketing or even a web designer, you can make money with information you have.
Help Others Find Job Opportunities
There are plenty of sites available that help to join potential employees with employers that are looking to hire. This is one way you can make money online. Many of the prospective employees are already working and are not actively looking for a new job. These clients are usually found through networking with those people who know qualified candidates for certain positions. You make money online by referring these candidates to employers.
When you present a client to an employer and that candidate is hired for the job, you can make anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to $5000. That is a nice way to make money online merely for referring a skilled employee for a job. This not only benefits you, but the person for which you found the job too, as they are probably taking steps up the corporate ladder with the change.
Connect Buyers to Suppliers
A common business practice has long been receiving fees for referrals. There has not been much activity in this area to make money online, because thus far there hasn’t been a way to accurately track them. There is a company that can provide you with the means to do just that. Vendors that are willing to make deals using a set referral fee they pay, and when the deal comes through, you can receive as much as 70 percent of that fee. This is a great way for one to make money online.
You Can Provide Contact Information for Businesses
For those businesses that are involved in sales, one of the biggest challenges they face is getting accurate information on potential customers such as their contact data. A great way to make money online is to help those businesses connect with the customers that are ready and willing to do commerce. There is a website that will actually allow you to make money online by helping them to keep up to date information on people you know and will pay you to do just that.
Become a Blogger
One of the fastest growing ways to make money online is with blogs. There are a few sites that will allow you to set up a blog in less than five minutes and it is absolutely free. These sites can help you make money online by setting up Google AdSense and allowing you to display ads and get paid each time a perspective buyer clicks on to that ad. You can make even more money when you set up affiliates programs that will pop in your links when people refer to the items in your affiliate programs. Many people have become successful making money in this way. You merely have to pick a topic you are passionate about, write the content if you can write well and tell your friends to visit your blog. You will be off to a good start, and if your writing is interesting enough, your friends will tell friends, and so on.